How to Navigate Medicaid

how to navigate medicaid
Jan 31, 2020
Last updated on Sep 14, 2023
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How to Navigate Medicaid | America Homecare

I imagine you are reading this blog post because you have no idea how to navigate Medicaid to pay for your home health care. It can be difficult to understand all the ins and outs related to Medicaid, especially when you need help quickly. You might be asking yourself, “How do I know if I am eligible?” or “What is the process to getting home health care through Medicaid?”


I will be providing you with all the resources you need to get help as soon as possible. If that sounds like something you are interested in, keep reading.


If you don’t already know, Medicaid is the nation’s public health care insurance program for low-income people. This program helps so many people get quality health care and support for their medical needs. I will assume, if you’re reading this, you already have Medicaid. If you don’t, check out their website to check your eligibility and what you need to do to apply.


If you are already covered, here is how to navigate Medicaid for receiving home health care.


  1. You will need to find the Home & Community Based Service Authorities (HCBS) on the Medicaid website. OR you may find a better fit under the Medicaid Managed Long Term Care (MLTC)

  2. If you choose HCBS, you will find under this benefit program there are several options to choose from. The option that mentions home health care is 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waivers.

  3. When you click on that link it will send you to another page that details everything this specific program offers and who can receive help through this program.

  4. Once you have determined that you fall under this category and that you need home health care, you need to contact a plan administrator by calling this number:

    1 888-401-6582 or TTY: 1 888-329-1541.

  5. As for the MLTC, the process is a little easier because all the information about eligibility and what they offer through this benefit can be found on their website. The same numbers above will get you help with navigating MLTC.

  6. Lastly, when you call that number, they will send someone out to your home to walk you through applying for whichever benefit program fits your needs best.

    Ask as many questions as you like, they are there to help you.


Understanding all the details concerning Medicaid is difficult, but these services are important, and they are available. More importantly, these services can be affordable or even free with Medicaid. If you would like an inforgraphic of all these steps for your reference or to print, please visit this page:

About the author:

Nia FreemanThe Write Choice

My name is Nia Freeman, and I am a copy writer. I write about Natural Hair (Locs), Minimalism, and Body Positivity. I majored in English in college and am starting out as a freelance writer. In the past, I have maintained a blog and social media presence for a dental office and I have a personal blog. I am fresh out of school so quick deadlines and having to do research is not a problem for me. I am looking to write blogs, articles, and newsletters but am open to new writing opportunities.

-Nia Freeman at

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