Senior Care Emergency Checklist

Senior Care Emergency Checklist | America Homecare
A senior care emergency checklist is a list of essential information and contacts in the case of emergencies relating to your elderly relative or client. It’s good to keep this list in a location that is easy-to-find or area that is commonly used. An example would be in the senior’s kitchen or near the house phone.
There should also be more than one copy of this list and given to trusted individuals. This list includes relatives, friends, neighbors, or caregivers.
Senior Care Emergency Checklist
- Doctors’ names, their specialties, and phone numbers.
- List of all medications being taken and what the prescriptions are for. Be sure to keep the information updated as the medications may change frequently.
- Medical insurance, prescription plans, and identification numbers.
- Social security number, as many insurance companies won’t talk to anyone without the patient’s social security number.
- Durable power of attorney — a legal document that gives someone the authority to handle legal and financial issues if your parent or elderly relative becomes incapacitated.
- Health care proxy — a legal document that gives someone the authority to make medical decisions for your parent or elderly relative.
- Specification of your elderly parent’s or relative’s wishes about resuscitation orders. Knowing this information before a crisis can be crucial to the way in which you handle it.
- Basic financial records — a list of assets, account numbers, names, and contact information for financial advisors or bank representative.
- Names and addresses of people to notify in case of an emergency. This could be children, grandchildren, close friends, and neighbors who might be able to help out.
- Names and contact information for local clergy, if your parent or elderly relative has a preferred religious affiliation.

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